- 鬆緊帶 Elastics
- 鬆緊帶 Elastic
- 方格紋 Checkered Pattern
- 斜紋 Twill
- 斑節帶 Kuruma Pattern
- 滾邊、包邊帶 Binding tape
- 汗帶 Sweatband
- 波浪紋 Grograin Pattern
- 棋盤紋 Checkerboard Pattern
- 顆粒紋 Sweet corn shape Pattern
- 麻、棉鬆緊帶 Cotton, linen elastic band
- 中空牛筋帶 Hollow beef tendon belt
- 雙層、雙緯紗 Double weft Elastic
- 烏力鬆緊帶 Nylon DTY Elastic
- 鑽石紋 Diamond Pattern
- 菱形紋 Diamond Pattern
- 彈性魔鬼粘 Elastic Velcro
- 燙金 Hot stamping
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寬窄帶 Narrow-wide | 織帶 Webbing
分類名稱: 特多龍織帶 Polyester 尼龍織帶 Nylon P.P織帶 棉質織帶 Cotton 亮光織帶 Light Webbing 寬窄帶 Narrow-wide 迴紋織帶 Meander Ribbon 人字斜織帶 Herringbone
寬窄帶 Narrow-wide Webbing
寬窄帶 Narrow-wide Webbing
寬窄帶 Narrow-wide Webbing
寬窄帶 Narrow-wide Webbing